
NDIS – National Disability Insurance Scheme

What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a completely new way of funding disability services and supports throughout the country.

Lifestyle Mobility Scooters Australia is a registered supplier of Mobility Scootersto anyone who qualifies for NDIS funding. The information we are providing here is only a general outline. For further and official detailed information, you should go to the NDIS website.

Things will be very different from now on in the disability sector…and for the better:
•    There is going to be one large national scheme and funding will be at an individual level for people with disabilities
•    If people are eligible under the rules, they will be entitled to funding for all necessary and reasonable supports.

This is a really big change because it means that people with disabilities will now benefit from much greater choice and control over the services and supports that they need. Under the NDIS, if you are eligible, you’ll receive annual funding to purchase the services, aids and you’ve been assessed as needing from the service provider/providers of your choice.

How can Lifestyle Mobility Scooters Australia help you?

Lifestyle Mobility Scooters Australia is an accredited NDIS provider and we can certainly help you with expert advice on the whole range of mobility scooters and the model or models best suited to you and your needs

What services and equipment will be provided under the NDIS?

The NDIS provides ongoing funding for all ‘reasonable and necessary’ disability equipment, care and support services. For any Mobility Scooters please get in contact with Lifestyle Mobility Scooters Australia.

It will include such things as include aids and equipment, including mobility equipment, domestic assistance and respite, home and vehicle modifications.

When and where is the NDIS scheme rolling out? Some important dates:

National rollout of the scheme is due to be completed by 2018-19. Based on NDIS information, details vary a little from State to State:

  • In NSW and Victoria the NDIS is being fully rolled out from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2018
  • In Queensland the NDIS is being rolled out over a 3 year period
  • In SA from 1 February 2016 commenced being rolled out and this will be continued over 2 years
  • In Tasmania, from 1 July 2016 the NDIS is being rolled out by remaining age groups age over 3 years
  • In the ACT the NDIS commenced on 1 July2014 for people aged up to 65
  • In the NT the NDIS is being rolled out across a 3 year period
  • In WA the NDIS trial in the Perth Hills has been extended until 30 June 2017 and will expand into additional parts of WA.

How can I take the initiative?

Easy…if you wish you van contact the agency in advance to log your interest.
The NDIS website also has an eligibility checker, called My Access Checker, so you can investigate whether you or your child have an eligibility under the NDIS. 
This is anonymous and doesn’t take long to complete. 

Who will be eligible under the NDIS?

Eligibility depends on several factors including:
Disability requirement: you will be assessed based on the impact of your disability on functional capacity. Age: you have to be aged between 0-65 years old – if you’re already enrolled, once you turn 65, you can choose to continue with the NDIS. 

How does the NDIS assessment work?

For more information, you should check out the ‘My Access Checker’ in the NDIS website. 

What is ‘reasonable and necessary’?
It means the NDIS will provide eligible individual participants with whatever is necessary to achieve their life goals and aspirations and participate in the community to the fullest extent possible. 

Commonly available disability supports and services the NDIS covers include aids and equipment, home and community care, personal care, domestic assistance, respite, home and vehicle modifications and community access.  As a registered NDIS supplier, Lifestyle Mobility Scooters Australia supply a large range of different mobility scooters  to assist you to achieve your life goals & participate in the community.

Choice and flexibility in what can be purchased with NDIS funds

As far as fixed supports under the scheme, this will need to be spent on specified supports such as equipment or home modifications. For example, if a certain amount is allocated for a new mobility scooter, it will need to be spent on a new mobility scooter.

Please call Lifestyle Mobility Scooters Australia for further information on which scooter will suit you best for your allocated NDIS funding.

How will I be able to choose the things I want?

The design and intention of the NDIS is to give people with disability far greater choice and control over the supports and services they receive.

Where will the NDIA offices be?

In every city and large town, as well as online and by phone.

How can I take the initiative?

Easy…if you wish you van contact the agency in advance to log your interest.
The NDIS website also has an eligibility checker, called My Access Checker, if you’d like to get an idea of your, or your child’s eligibility. It’s anonymous and doesn’t take long.

You’ll need an initial assessment by NDIA to help determine your eligibility for the NDIS, and then to draw up an individual support plan for you, including funding. There will even be support for you in managing your plan once it’s been agreed to. Once your individualised plan has been drawn up and agreed, you can decide how it gets managed going forward: self-management, using a plan management service, or nominating the NDIA.

When the NDIA is nominated, they will make all the necessary payments necessary to the registered care or support providers.

Lifestyle Mobility Scooters Australia

For any further information on the NDIS and Mobility Scooters please contact Lifestyle Mobility Scooters Australia on 1800 703 244 or fill in the form.

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