Mobility Scooter News
Mobility Scooters Golden Grove
Golden Grove is a modern suburb about 18 kilometres north east of Adelaide. It started off as a small suburb in the 1990’s and has taken off fast since then with around 12, 000 residents currently living there. Power is underground which improves the streetscape a lot...
Mobility Scooters Moorabbin, Victoria
Moorabbin is situated about 15 km south-east of Melbourne within easy commuting distance of the city. The suburb was largely established after world war 2 at which time house and land prices were incredibly cheap by today’s standards and those who have held on have...
Mobility scooters Pakenham, Victoria
Pakenham is located 56 Kilometres from Melbourne and now has a population of around 35, 000. Until relatively recently it was regarded a country town but is now considered almost a satellite town of Melbourne. Cardinia Shire Council is well regarded by mobility...
Mobility scooters Wodonga, Victoria
Wodonga is a large rural city in northern Victoria on the Murray River adjoining the city of Albury on the NSW side. Wodonga and its surrounding area has a population of around 35, 000 with many more on the other side of the Murray. There is quite a strong...
Mobility Scooters Colac, Victoria
Colac is a vibrant rural town with a strong community spirit about 150 km south-west of Melbourne and with a population around the 13, 000 mark. It’s situated close to the Great Otway National Park and is only an hour or less away from some of the most beautiful towns...
Mobility Scooters Traralgon, Victoria
Traralgon is Victoria’s twelfth largest town, with a population over 25, 000 and is a diverse rural town with a range of primary industries, with a strong forestry component, including the nearby paper mill, as well as wool, dairy products and vegetable...
Mobility Scooters Edithvale
Chelsea and Edithvale are two linked suburbs on Port Phillip Bay to the south-east of Melbourne. They are beach side suburbs that once upon a time people drove through to heading to the southern end of the Mornington Peninsula, although the fact is that the clear...
Mobility Scooters Cheltenham, Victoria
Cheltenham is a large suburb of around 25, 000 people situated about 19 km south east of Melbourne’s CBD. It is inland from the beach, which contributes to housing being significantly more affordable than the nearby beachside suburbs. Cheltenham is centrally located...
Mobility Scooters Victor Harbor
For what seems like forever, Victor Harbor has been a constant as a “must do” holiday destination for Adelaide residents in summer. Its population has grown rapidly and now tops 15, 000 with thousands more in town over the Christmas- January period. However, Victor...
Mobility Scooters Millicent
Millicent is the “half-way town” being 400km equidistant from Adelaide and Melbourne and situated in one of the most attractive parts of South-East SA with a diverse local economy, Millicent has good schools and a TAFE annex and also has a significant share of older...
Mobility Scooters Naracoorte
Naracoorte is one of South Australia’s most attractive regional towns with the Naracoorte- Lucindale Council having a strong focus on access for members of its community with a disability. The local area population of around 9, 000 people who enjoy the lifestyle of...
Mobility Scooters Shepparton, Victoria
Shepparton is a city that’s focussed on inclusion and access for all its residents, with a strong component of this being for those with disabilities. It is estimated that Greater Shepparton has a population of 62, 000 with approximately 12, 000 of those having a...
Mobility scooters Mildura, Victoria
Mildura is one of Victoria’s largest towns; if the Sunraysia region as a whole is included, its population is over 50, 000. Settled on the Murray River in the far north-east of the State, Mildura enjoys long hours of sunshine for much of the year. The Rural City...