Naracoorte is one of South Australia’s most attractive regional towns with the Naracoorte- Lucindale Council having a strong focus on access for members of its community with a disability. The local area population of around 9, 000 people who enjoy the lifestyle of living in a mid-sized rural town with excellent facilities.
As a general rural thumb some 20% of the population may have some form of disability. Of course not all these people will have a mobility scooter, but a significant number will and scooter users will benefit from Naracoorte’s well laid out precincts including wide footpaths. Of particular benefit has been the Naracoorte main streets access project, which is now completed and delivered improved access for mobility impaired in the town centre, particularly in Smith and Ormerod Streets.
Arthur Street resident Joy says “I’m delighted with the work that was done. There are improved kerb ramps at the main crossing points when I use my scooter to get into town and the safety crossing on Smith Street is a big improvement. It might seem like small things but they make a big difference to me in getting around seamlessly. I use my gopher to get around every day and it makes my journeys in it a pleasure to use all the time”.